Monday, August 20, 2007

Hey look, I'm a real blogger!

I haven't posted in over a week! I'm just like the rest of you!

Well, we're back. For those who don't know, my husband started his new job today. In Charleston. Yep, for the forseeable future, he's down there and I'm stuck up here. Send good thoughts his way, he's pretty anxious to do well at this new place. Go Bean!

Charleston is beautiful, however, and not such a bad place. Being near the ocean, they actually get rain almost daily. Not so much here.

We looked at a few places to live, and ate lots of Yes'm, there's a store that only makes cupcakes. And they're good ones too. I got a recipe card and will try my hand at making a few in my spare time. Yeah.

Of course, I flew back last night and I noticed a few differences between the ATL and CHS airports. For one, the people are nicer in Charleston. It took me all of 2 minutes to get through security, and that's with scanning my bag twice for dangerous knitting implements like stitch markers. Long story short, I got to sit for about 1.5 hours and discovered I had brought the WRONG yarn with which to start BFF Jill's present. Crumbs.

So I read Harry Potter #4 instead. I'm catching up people, soon you'll be able to discuss the end with me, I promise.

The puppies were thrilled to see me back at least. Zoe recognized me immediately and poor old Flip just kinda stood there until I petted him, then he went into paroxisms of joy. Poor dude, he's just old. Like, Noah old. I bet he dosen't move from the bed where I left him until I get home this evening.


The Pattern Slave said...

Not quite. You haven't promised pictures(that don't ever get posted), yet.

Katey said...

TPS - she did that last week.

She's a real blogger.