Saturday, November 29, 2008

Passing of a Noodle

This is a sad post, folks, though many of you will think I'm silly.

The day finally came that my little rat, Noodle, could go no further. She had cancer and we knew that the time to say goodbye would come soon. We had her put down last evening. She died peacefully with me holding her and skritching her little noggin to the end.

It's funny how a creature that is reviled by most folks could be so sweet and loving. Noodle was an exemplary rat who never bit and never knew a stranger. Her fondness for peanut butter (she pronounced it pinda budder) was legendary. She was my first rat, and will always hold a special place in my heart.Give a rat a chance, you won't be sorry. Visit the GARMCA website if you're interested.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Adventures in Self Improvement

Anyone who knows me knows that I am always up for a good laugh. Especially when it involves laughing at myself. So who am I to deprive you all from sharing in my latest adventure in economy self improvement? After all, I know that all my good friends out there will give me encouragement and loving comments and will not make fun of me for doing something so profoundly stupid as what I have just done.

Right? Yeah, right. Do I know you guys or what? You might want to not be drinking anything as you read further because this is good.

So today I ran a bunch of errands. Boring stuff really, get the oil changed, mail some stuff to Seattle, car tags, blah, blah, blah. On my way home, I took a wild hair (no pun intended, but you see where this is going) and went to Sally's to buy a nail file and pumice stone. I perused the store and couldn't help noticing all the neato ways one could improve your looks on a budget. This is heady stuff for someone who dosen't wear makeup and can barely match socks in the morning. I started noticing all the nifty colors you could dye your hair and struck up a conversation with the nice lady with blue hair (and I mean blue as in punk not blue as in old) about going a few shades lighter than mine. She helped me pick out a nice shade a bit lighter than my own color as I was going for SUBTLE, and not OVERT color.

My first clue should have been that she had blue hair (wink wink, nudge nudge). But she seemed nice, used big words appropriately, and assured me that it was SO easy, and so I went for it.

Wanna see? Of course you do. Here it is:

I promise this picture does not really do justice to my new color. My hair is now a lighter shade of blondey red. Subtle it's not. More like I doused my hair in lemon juice and sat in the sun like when I was 10. I suppose it's not bad, but I'm sure glad I didn't wait the whole 30 minutes or you would have heard about a certain blue-haired lady being snatched baldheaded.

I think I'll go for a bit darker next time, or perhaps pony up the cash and have an actual professional do it. Boy is this going to be fun when my roots show up. Maybe next time I want to change the color of something, I'll dye some yarn or something.