Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We interrupt this Ravelry session to bring you an actual blog post...

I have been on ravelry just a bit lately and neglected all other activities including, but not limited to, blog posting, house cleaning, eating, and actual work. What can I say? It's such a cool site and so attractive to someone like me who likes to see things all in one place and neatly organized. It just makes my inner organizers heart go flippity-flop. For those of you who have seen my house, keep your mouth shut. I know what's in all the paper piles, so there. Not surprisingly, Ravelry's invasion of my world has resulted in my back porch looking like a yarn store barfed on it.

Maybe that will change this weekend, when I figure out where I'll put it all back. Don't hold your breath.

I would love to bring you pictures of our Yarn Harlot outing, but I forgot my camera. Also would like to tell you about the Snarky's big night out at an actual restaurant that serves dinner on real plates, but I also forgot my camera. Seems I'm always showing up to something half-dressed, figuratively speaking.

So, I give to you a random bunneh picture. Here's Oliver! He was too tired to disapprove.

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