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Well it's been a really trying week, but at least I have really, really clean sheets.
Allow me to explain. I have an old dog, Flip, who creeps out all my friends with his wierd tongue. As I said, he's old. As in-the vet won't even guess how old. He's also getting a bit demented, so I shouldn't be surprised when he peed on the bed just after going out last week. This was washing number 1.
This week, Flip woke me up at 6 am to go out. As I snuggled back in to bed with everybody for 30 more minutes of sleep, Pooh, my 16-year-old cat crawled under the covers to cuddle. This is his usual custom and fine with me except that he PEED ON ME! Not cool. Wash Number 2.
That night, Pooh, as is his usual custom, hopped up on the bed to sleep on my pillow and cut loose again. On the pillow. Which of course sprinkled down to the newly washed and just made bed. Wash number 3.
Well, at least if things come in threes then it's all over, right? Good. Because my bed is now, as I said before, really, really clean. Thanks. No more peeing in the bed-for anybody. Not like it's been allowed there in the past.
I'm just sayin'.