This is fire-hydrant jelly jar. Simply fabulous! Everyone needs one, don't be shy. Go on and buy it. Only $5.99, what a bargain for me! Think of the possibilities. You could design your entire kitchen around this thing. See, I've solved all of your design dilemmas in one blog post! Genius!
Or this fabulous ear thermometer.
And if you're feeling not so fresh,this is offered for your bathing pleasure:
Then there are the things which defy description. This masterpiece of ceramics is a cow-themed multiple-sauce-sampler-doohickey. With coordinating pink wire holder. Actually, none of us had any idea what the real purpose of this lovely kitchen(?) item might be.
You know, come to think of it, this would make a great dirty santa gift for next year. I'm gonna have to go back. Anyone want me to pick one up for them? Shoot me an email. Only $50! Such a deal!
Ok, on to the real news. Amy and I hooked up with Heather in Charleston last weekend. Heather is seen here in need of a cupcake. It was cold. That is an understatement.
We went to Victoria's Secret. They were having a sale. Yay! Lacy underthings for almost everyone! The husband was relegated to the boy's section:
All these men trying to look like they are not interested (no sir, not me) in all the estrogen around them. All the while, you know they're like "oh please, please, please buy the hot pink one! Awww man!"
And what trip would be complete without knitting? Heather is making great strides on her sock! She is a really smart cookie who really gets it! Go Heather!